You know the way you always see someone with a hat and you complete the rest of the shape of his head in your mind? There’s this guy in our hood who’s always wearing this huge hat. I’m not sure whether to call it a hat or a marvin. It looks like it’s the consequence of a terrible relationship between a hiphop hat and a reggae marvin hat.

On this particular day I was walking, earphones on, listening to ‘Girls Like’ by Tinie Tempah…. By the way if you haven’t heard this song, take a short commercial break, and YouTube it. It’s only 2 weeks old with 6m views. I was in my favourite part where Tempah says “No diggidy, no diggy doubt”.. I almost got carried away but I wasn’t going to make the same mistake. Last time, if you can remember, when I was taking a walk, I got carried away by Sauti Sol’s “Sura Yako”. In my mind I was dancing Lipala. Unfortunately that virtual dancing seeped a little bit into reality… and I was walking along Ngong Road. I was jolted back when I saw a couple of guys staring. This wasn’t happening with ‘Girls Like’.

Anyway, I was deep in the music, completely zoned out then I see this guy… At first I didn’t recognise him but something caught my attention. His head. He was the guy with the funny hat… without the funny hat…

Ladies and gentlemen, the rest of the shape of his head that I was completing in my mind was exactly it. Like Mojojojo.

This was my reaction. You know the way Johnny Bravo looks okay as a cartoon. But if you met him in real like you’d instantly notice his buff chest, minute legs, looking like he got his legs from God on finger day…. This guy should have introduced us to his head in phases bana. Not make us suffer withdrawal symptoms of his hat.

He must have been the inspiration to the animation, Mega Mind. Whoever wrote that script must have been on holiday in Kenya at some point. The resemblance is uncanny. Hweh… Sema Bongo flavor…

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