Tsetse Flies

The 18km Mau Mau Caves hike. Si we had fun! Lakini hiyo maji ilikuwa baridi. I attempted to swim towards the fall, I made it to the opening but the current was too strong…

I’ve remembered we were stung by Tsetse flies, zile za trypanosomiasis…biology teacher alituchapa mpaka tukajua hiyo jina. I finally got the opportunity to use this knowledge during the hike…20 years later. Ungeniona hapo nikishine kama wale watoi wa “eschoos me teacher we have not finished chapter 14”.

After talking about trypanosomiasis ya Tsetse flies, karibu ata nianze lecture ya DDT,

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane… Trust me I can pronounce it in my sleep.

Fortunately for me niko na ile damu taste mbaya, the type where as long as I’m with someone else in the room I won’t be bitten by a mosquito. I only got one sting and that’s when I was in the water. The rest of the guys got multiple, up to 10 stings or more. In fact guys were walking with branches to chase them away.

Lakini ni kama hizo Tsetse flies zilinotice zinkanireport to the authorities. Because on the way back I was stung by a massive wasp. Ng’aaa! Kwa shingo. Bado nimefura mpaka leo, 4 days later.

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