Got a Tattoo


Number 7: Get a tattoo

Number 13: Start wearing a watch

I’m not really the tattoo type of a person, but no one really is until they get one. I’ve wanted to get a tattoo since 2003 but I had never really known what it would be about until 2013. Then I finally got one in 2022… Sema overthinking.

The design is simple and it means everything to me. It depicts: Courage is a Little Fire in a Dark Room.

If you grew up in the 90s and never wore an Asahi watch basi wewe ulikuwa cool kid with a Casio. I remember my 10 year old self, sitting with my arm on my thigh brandishing my cool new Asahi. They used to be 50bob.. And the way I had continously begged my folks to get me one, you’d have thought it was the same price as a 4 bedroom house. I had to pass my exams to get an Asahi! Then soon, I wanted to upgrade to a Casio.

We went on a school trip to Nakuru when I was in stadadi 6. I had 180/= pocket money left on the last day which was close to 1.8 million shillings in todays money. All I wanted was a Casio. I saw this guy on the street selling watches. Nikamuuliza how much he said “120, uko na ngapi?” I said “niko na 180”.. I’m sure in his mind he was like “cheki fala amecome na amezubaa…” . He quickly changed the price. I bought the watch at 180 bob. Character development nilianza kitambo wakuu.

Nevertheless, Buda! Nilikuwa na Casio! Kwanza with metallic straps! Hakuna mtu angenishow sasa! It served me very well.

That was the year of our lord 1994 and that was the last time I wore a watch until 2022.

That was the year of our lord 1994 and that was the last time I wore a watch until 2022.

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