
In the year of our lord 2019, on 31st December, I told myself I am going to lose this kitambi by next year June. I found out that my bro had the same plan, lose kitambi in 6 months ata alikuwa ameandika kwa to-do list hapo in the kitchen. In fact, it was a bet with his wife.

Fast foward to June 2020, bet lost; Andrew, you owe Carol 10k, our pot bellies had already caused us to change our walking styles to form ya wababa. I looked at myself in the mirror and said, mimi najipenda vile niko by-tha-wei. Na maisha ikaendelea tu #missiondekitambitization was an epic fail.

January 2021. New years’ resolution, “I am losing this kitambi by June”. Around Feb there we headed for Mt Ololokwe. There’s a security check somewhere past Samburu as you head to Sabache. One of us hadn’t carried her ID so they were giving us a tough time. They almost made us turn back but instead the guy called his superior. Oh, you should have seen him. He was in black outfit. I can’t remember if he had bulletproof on or not. But I remember his side-arm sticking out proudly. I don’t know if it’s a thing they do but I noticed his hand moving to his firearm briefly as he was walking towards the car. I think it’s a default setting juu tukienda airforce, every time the security would approach the car, they would have their hands on their AKs. It’s probably the training.

Anyway, I voluntarily stepped of the car in my usual friendly charm and told him we were headed to climb Ololokwe pointing at it since it was just up ahead. After talking to us kidogo and realising we were simply law-abiding Kenyans and not some gun smuggling thugs, he became friendly. Ladies and gentlemen this is the purpose of me telling this whole security check story. A dude looked at me na akauliza “wewe utapanda Ololokwe kweli wewe? Naona tu urudi nyumbani upunguze kidogo alafu ujaribu tena” Cheiii!

Na si nilistrugo, wah! I cost the team a whole extra hour going up. And I swore by June I need to lose weight and lose my kitambi.

June… Mission Fail.

December… Kilos added. 90kg mark passed.

February 2022. Once again, I told myself I am going to lose these kilos and lose my kitambi. But this time it was different. I had a different drive. I was approaching my 40th birthday. There was no way I was going to fail. I fixed my bike and started cycling. I remember when I started, I could barely do 10km without feeling like I was dying. After cycling 3-5 times a week On my 40th birthday I did 100km, I’ll post the photos soon.

I changed my eating habits. Thanks a lot @itshunja of @nanyuki.active for your great nutrition advice. I started working out in the house as well using Nike Training app 3-5 times as well. I wanted a ripped stomach with rock hard abs.

I did not get rock hard abs or a ripped stomach. Lakini, ladies and gentlemen, I can tell you proudly I achieved my goal. I lost 10kgs. I now weigh 80kgs and I lost my kitambi. I had to adjust my jeans from waist 36 to 34. I wrote about that in my previous post.

#Iam40 #MissionDekitambitization #40Things

Number 1. Lose kitambi

Number 5. Photoshoot barechested

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